Public demonstration at the Annual Irish Restaurant Awards hosted by the Restaurant Association (RAI
Published: Thursday, May 19, 2011

Date Wednesday 25th of May
Time 6pm sharp, Burlington Hotel, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4
Action Public demonstration at the Annual Irish Restaurant Awards hosted by the Restaurant Association (RAI) calling on the Association to stop its attack on workers minimum wages and conditions
On behalf of the Restaurant and Catering Workers Forum we would ask for your support at our upcoming action next Wednesday 25th of May @ 6pm outside the Burlington hotel at the Annual Irish Restaurant Awards. We are asking workers, allies, organisations and those who are committed to supporting low paid workers in Ireland to join us at a public demonstration to share a message about the importance of protecting workers minimum wages and conditions.
The Irish Restaurant Awards are organised on an annual basis by The Restaurants Association of Ireland (RAI) and are the largest and most coveted awards in the Irish Restaurant Industry. The awards are attended by restaurant owners, celebrity chefs, workers in the industry and attract a great deal of media interest every year. The Restaurant Association of Ireland has continued to call for abolishment of the Catering ERO and reduction in minimum wages for workers. The event offers a good opportunity to get a different message out there about the importance of retaining the JLC wage setting mechanism and that the independent government review recently completed should in no way result in cuts to the incomes of the lowest paid workers covered and protected by ERO's.
We will have gift bags for dinner guests (with a message inside), flyers, banners and placards with messages supporting workers and calling for RAI to stop their shameful attacks. We gather outside the Burlington hotel next Wednesday 25th of May @ 5.30pm with the action due to start @6pm as dinner guests arrive for their champagne reception. Organisational banners are not needed but bodies are!